Saturday, December 23, 2006


One of the wonderful things about a blog is the potential for feedback. So that’s what I’m going for here: your opinions.

It may be two years out, but we’reseeing the current presidential hopefuls shake out. Evan Bayh has sadly (but wisely) already taken his hat out of the ring, as has Mark Warner. (Well Mark, if you can’t keep your current job you probably shouldn’t seek the boss’s job.) But the following have either formally declared their candidacy, formed exploratory committees, or are generally expected to run:

-Hillary Clinton
-John Edwards
-Dennis Kucinich
-Barack Obama
-Bill Richardson

-Rudy Guiliani
-John McCain
-Mitt Romney
-Newt Gingrich

Let’s take it as a reasonable assumption that no dark horse candidate will enter the fray (I mean, isn’t Kucinich dark enough??) So let’s have some fun: I’m going to take each candidate separately, but let’s start with something basic: who do you like, who do you not like, and (of course) why?
We’ll take each one separately over the coming months, but let’s take this one as a tiny pulse.


Anonymous said...

Hillary and Obama would be a potentially successful but even more devisive leadership than Bush/Cheney. Bill Richardson would be the best Dem option for reuniting a heavily divided country.

On the GOP side (moving Denny the K back to his Dem corner), there is not a strong contender. Johnny Mac is a media darling while the voters are mostly mediocre, and the base is just not supportive. Mitt is a New Englander Insider who is going to have to make up a ton of ground to have a real chance. Giuliani carries a lot of baggage to overcome a decent Dem opponent. Remember, he was very unpopular in NYC before 9/11, and dropped out of the Senate battle against Hillary as the tides were shifting against him.

I'm thinking we're going to flop the White House back to the Dems this cycle, until the GOP can develop a better farm team.

The saddest part is that the best and brightest have no desire to run for office anymore. It's just too nasty.

Centrist Dude said...

Oops...DK moved back to the correct side of the aisle. :-)

Centrist Dude said...

Brian...err, anonymous...why do you think that Bill Richardson would be best for reuniting the country?

FYI, I think you're remembering incorrectly about Guiliani vs. Clinton. I was in NYC a lot at that time and the tide was not shifting against him, nor was he unpopular in the City. In fact, he was beating Hillary so badly in the polls (to the tune of 60% to 30% plus the undecideds) that major donors had stopped feeding her funds. Giuliani's departure came so out of the blue that everyone tried to spin it as something other than prostate cancer. The popular theory was that his impending divorce was going to be so nasty that he thought it would cost him the race. So in hindsight it might seem that he got out before losing, but the reality is that he was going to likely coast to a landslide victory. Remember, he got out only 3 months before the election, and Hillary's negatives were so high in the state that even then Lassiter (his last-moment replacement) could have won if he had simply not stuck his foot in his mouth so often. Alas, he spoke often.