Saturday, December 17, 2016

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama says that "now we're feeling what not having hope feels like."  Commentary I'm seeing from those on the right, and commentary that I've heard from my family tell me just how much a sizeable swath of the country doesn't seem to grasp what we're dealing with.

This is not about "my candidate" losing, or a Republican winning.  This is not business as usual.  This is about a terrible shitstorm being wrought by someone who is too stupid and arrogant to understand just how incompetent he is.  The party he represents isn't the issue.  If he were a Democrat I'd feel exactly the same way.

It seems so ridiculously obvious to me that I've questioned if I'm being alarmist, even though that is not my tendency at all.  But every day I see fresh evidence that I am not incorrect.  Today Trump is tweeting this:
"China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters - rips it out of water and takes it to China in an unpresidented act."

Let's start with the fact that China's "act" can be laid at Trump's feet for his irresponsible and ill-thought out public questioning of our public stance with China and Taiwan.  But "Unpresidented"?  Are you fucking kidding me?

That's what I'd like to fucking do to you, you fucking low-life moron.

This is not a politician with a vision different from mine.  This is a clueless, reckless human being.  He's not even in office yet. This is going to really be bad.

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